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Járat foglalása
Saját foglalások
Everything you need to know about baggage on Air France flights
The basics
Which baggage items can I travel with?
Access our simulator to check the number of baggage items allowed and calculate the price of your baggage options
Authorized baggage: weight, size, and baggage allowance
Your children's baggage
Your sport equipment or other special baggage
Our Options for oversized and overweight baggage
Consult our guides and travel with peace of mind with your baggage
Check which goods are authorized, regulated, or prohibited for your trip
Prepare your baggage to make your trip easier
Find out what to do with your baggage on connecting flights
Our additional services
Hand off your baggage and travel with ease
Drop off your baggage at the airport the day before departure
Find our collection of baggage at Air France Shopping
What to do if you have a problem with your baggage?
Your baggage is missing or damaged
You have lost an object during your trip
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